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When do you need a professional plumbers help?

By Michael on Sun Jan 07 2024

Knowing when to call a plumber can be a tricky question. Many people try to hold off on calling a plumber due to the fear of the unwanted extra costs. What many people tend to forget is that us professional plumbers are professional experts for a reason. While various plumbing repairs can be done by yourself, if you’re not an expert and fully understand what you are doing, the chances you end up making the problem worse is highly likely.

1-2-1 Plumbers is a team of professional plumbing and boiler experts with more than 25 years of experience in the industry. It’s the years of hard work, long hours, and passion and dedication that has got us to where we are today, which is something you can’t achieve overnight. While we love to encourage our customers to learn the basics, when it comes to various plumbing repairs, replacements and installations, we advise you to leave that part to us. Dealing with water and pipes is no walk in the park, and one simple mistake can cause a whole lot more problems and expenses! Though many people want to refrain from spending the extra cash, remember that you’re dealing with a complicated part of your property that needs an expert’s supervision.

Seeing as we offer a whole range of boiler and plumbing services, when you actually need to give us a ring may depend on the situation you’re in. Anything leaking and connected to water should be dealt with as soon as possible, meaning calling us straight away is the best answer to your question. For other concerns or queries, we can schedule in a meeting at a time that suits you best. Installations and replacements on the other hand depend on when it needs to be done, and what budget is available. No matter your case, when in doubt call! Leaving any concerns to another day will only cause you more stress and a potentially bigger bill as you’re allowing the problem to develop and get worse.

At 1-2-1 Plumber we prioritize all our clients. The minute we get a call from you we’ll happily discuss your concerns. After gathering the needed information we’ll come to a decision on whether your possible dilemma is an emergency and needs to be seen to straight away, or if it can wait a day or two or when the best time suits you. If your issue is urgent we’ll be on our way straight away, and you can expect us at your doorstep before too long. Making sure any emergency situations are dealt with as soon as possible is something we do best, and after 25 years continuously providing fast and professional results, we can proudly say you won’t get any other company that works like we do.

Our team of experienced plumbers will always arrive with a pleasant smile on your face, before getting down to business and sorting your dilemma out. Always keep in mind that any work done to your home is considered as a long term investment. While the cost may sound painful at first, knowing you’ve had a professional plumber with more than 25 years of experience enter your home and fix your problem should be more than enough to help you sleep tight at night. Repairs, installations, and replacements are all things that need to be done, especially when it comes to centain parts and products connected to your plumbing and boiler system. Having hot water, a leak free water flow, and a clean, healthy and safe environment is something every household should have, yet something we can’t 100% assure you without us having a thorough inspection.

The answer to when should one call a professional plumber is simple, it’s now! The moment you become concerned and suspect something isn’t right, and even more for those that have come in contact with noticeable changes, give us a ring straight away and let 1-2-1 Plumbers come over and give you the peace of mind you know you deserve. Our team will happily advise you, provide you with the answers to your questions, and offer you some of the best quotes to our services right before giving you the perfect professional touch to all your replacements and repairs.